Goat versus Sheep

While the Crescendo blares in my ears, I have been attending traditional 12-Step meetings as a means to build a sobriety practice. I attend two different meetings a week, an AA meeting and an NA meeting.  I am relating to each meeting differently, but a common theme between them involves the inescapable Christian underpinnings of … read more

The Fappening

There’s upheaval in my life, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. As the political crisis in the country begins to move on (much left to do), I am tasked with levelling-up since my Annunciation (Part 1, Part 2). While I have been working on my Black Clerical Ministry through observance of the … read more


This week’s political events, the failed “Duck Dynasty Rebellion” at the United States Capital, got me thinking about freedom of thought, insurrection, and rebellion as it pertains to Luciferian philosophy.

Marked Man

My last post from two week ago contained a tarot reading that pointed me to the problem I had stalling out working the steps. I had felt a blockage at Step 6, the step about being willing to surrender to my greater powers. It pointed to my ego being in the way. Turns out that … read more