
This week’s political events, the failed “Duck Dynasty Rebellion” at the United States Capital, got me thinking about freedom of thought, insurrection, and rebellion as it pertains to Luciferian philosophy.

Lucifer’s Fall

In Abrahamic mythology, the figure of Lucifer tempted newly formed humanity into gaining the knowledge of good and evil by transgressing rules placed on them by their deity. These rules kept them naive and ignorant, but, by transgressing, humanity gained value, if painful, knowledge. Lucifer was cast out of Paradise, in part, because of his bringing this knowledge to humanity, culminating in a full-on cosmic rebellion.

While Abrahamic mythology vilifies Lucifer for enacting the temptation, Luciferian philosophy praises his actions for freeing humanity from a state of naive, child-like existence to a state where true mental, emotional, and spiritual ascension could take place.

By extension, Luciferianism praises personal growth on all levels and the attainment of power over reality through sorcery. Luciferianism praises free thought and rebukes any authority that attempts to lay dogma onto an individual from external sources; our choices to commit good or evil actions are wholly sacred and should never be given up.

If pressed, we are to resist fascism in all forms and to sponsor personal authority, personal freedoms, and the personal accountability that comes with both.


This week, I watched a group of 30,000 men and women who are disgruntled with the result of recent American Presidential election march in our capital city, march to the Capital building itself, and storm it. I watched as they broke inside, forcing an evacuation of elected officials who had to halt official governmental business to flee for their own safety.

I watched all this happen with the passive and active complicity of the Capital Police Force whose express purpose was the protect the Capital building from this exact eventuality.

Later, we learned these domestic terrorists beat a Capital Police Officer to death with a fire extinguisher. We learned that they had brought zip-tie handcuffs, displaying a clear intent to take hostages. We learned that they had brought explosives. We learned that they intended for force the members of our Congress to somehow reverse the election results — the very election they were in the process of certifying.

Like almost everyone I know, I felt very disturbed by watching this happen. I railed at the Capital Police for not repelling the terrorists. I felt my sense of who and what America actually was being violated. This kind of activity has never happened in my lifetime, possibly not in the 244 year history of our nation.

Minute Men

Wrestling with these events, I tried to review the actions of these terrorists against my Luciferian principles. I told someone I know that, for every one of “us” who think these men and women are classic domestic terrorists and should be jailed, everyone of “them” think that they are performing the highest, most sacrificial level of patriotism. I know that they thought of themselves in the same vein as our Founding Fathers and the Minute Men who rebelled against the British Crown to actually found our nation.

And were they?

I had to really check myself and try to view them more objectively. These men and women are acting on what they believe to be a treasonous election rife with voter fraud that cost them their political power, their political representation by the decision-makers of our nation.

These men and women were brought up on American mythology, with stories of patriots who rose up from the common man and who forced a revolution to take place, expanding their freedom and engendering prosperity for everyone.

In their minds, they are fulfilling the mythology of the founding of our nation, and thus, their cause is righteous.

Furthermore, the reasons they need political power are also equally righteous, only fueling their fervor. They acted on their conservative religious beliefs and need political power to enact legislation to puts their conservative lifestyles first in America, protecting it from the “scourge” of liberalism and diversity.

They were willing to put their lives on the line for their beliefs. They were willing to commit sedition and treason for their beliefs. They were willing to kill and possibly damage/destroy the Capital building for their beliefs.

In some ways, I can admire their commitment.

Goals of Fascism

But, their goals was not freedom for everyone, it was freedom for themselves. Undeniably, the men and women who made up this riotous mob were Caucasian, and the philosophies they were not ashamed to spout were conspiracy theories of the strangest order, were White Supremacist in nature, were repeating lies that had been told to them by corrupt, propaganda-based news organizations, and which were instigated in them by a corrupt, narcissistic leader.

These men and women were not actually fighting against tyranny. They were fighting against the fact that these heinous, fascistic ideology has been rejected by the American Public at large and they can’t stand becoming the minority in a nation they think that they wholly own.

This “rebellion” was designed to overthrow the will of the American people and institute control over our society. If they had won, they would enact legislation that would restrict our freedoms of thought and control over our own bodies, in line with their conservative religious belief system.

While I believe that rebellion against tyranny remains a crucial aspect of Luciferianism, I can’t condone what these “rebels” have done since their end goal was less freedom and the institution of greater tyranny.

So, good on them for expressing their viewpoints in actual action, but I’m heartened to see them fail, relieved that they are suffering the consequences of their action, and more than a little disappointed and appalled that our police force(s) and security were corrupted so thoroughly to make it all possible.